Core Services 

As a CIL of East Texas, ETCIL offers a variety of core services. These include Information & Referral, Independent Living Skills Training, Advocacy, Transition, and Peer Support services. We take pride in our mission to support our consumers in every way possible.

Information and Referral

Information and referral helps connect people to the resources they need.  ETCIL provides information about community resources that are available to people with disabilities. We provide information and referrals directly to people with disabilities, as well as to other interested people such as family members, friends, employers, and service providers.

Independent Living Skills Training

Do You Want To…Interact more with others and make new friends? Build self-confidence? Gain skills that will assist you in becoming more independent? Learn more about the various support systems and training available to assist you?

IL Skills Training provides assistance in assessing and developing the skills individuals need in order to live independently.

Living independently requires a certain set of “Independent Living Skills”. Some of these skills include: managing money, living on a budget, grocery shopping on a budget, learning to cope with your disability, etc.

Peer Support

Peer Support is available from people who have personally experienced a disability and are willing to share their life experiences. Information, assistance, and support may be provided to assist a consumer in dealing with issues related to their disability.


Advocacy services are provided for individuals with disabilities, ensuring they receive the necessary support and accommodations to achieve their independent living objectives.


ETCIL’s Home by Choice program transitions people with disabilities from institutions to a community-based residences and assists setting up the services they need to support them.

Youth transition services help young consumers, ages of 14 to 24, become active members of their community by concentrating on developing independent living skills, accessing community resources, engaging in social and recreational activities, fostering health and wellness, and providing appropriate referrals for education, training, and employment.